My name is Michelle and I think I have a problem, an addiction, I may need to go to a meeting. Previously this love was reserved for chocolate! A moments silence please for the joy of chocolate!! I have an idea of what to make with all the empty packaging - but enough of that - back to my current problem.
Can you see what my problem is? These are my current projects!! Ok, I admit it, not all my current projects - it is too embarrassing to show you them all - and I don't think I have a table big enough!! Included above are three mini albums, a birdcage mini, a birdhouse mini, several mini boxes and an altered book and lots of flowers - I don't know what I am doing with all those flowers - I just can't stop making them! I was doing well with the three main minis that I am making for sale until I had a thought - an altered board book!
This is it so far - one junk shop childs board book, one old book used to cover and create all the flowers and leaves and some paper doilies - I don't know where this is going but I love it so far.
So, do you think I have a problem? How many is too many?
Please make me feel better -
how many projects do you have on the go at the mo???
have fun
xxx Michelle