
Sunday 16 February 2014

The Days of Summer fly by

The days of summer here are flying by. While tales of snow and flood reach us down here in New Zealand, we have days of hot summer sun interspersed with grey days with rain tossed in to keep everything green. 

In the weeks since I last visited I have

 from South Seas Film school

went on a road trip at Christmas and missed all the holiday traffic!!

Had a blast in Auckland.

Spent Christmas with family at a farmstay cottage here. We had no internet access and I will admit I did switch off completely. We relaxed, read books, played games and watched movies.

I learned how to make these paper dresses and shared them on my favorite addiction at the moment .... Instagram. I am here

Worked in my vintage collage journal.

Got very messy with some faux metal techniques for some new books I am making.

and finally .... decided this was the year that I will get over my phobia about being in front of the camera instead of behind it.

Hello this is me - I hope you are having a fabulous 2014.

Thanks for visiting 
xx Michelle 


  1. What a gorgeous lady you are!!!! Big hugs from sunny California and your friend in the Beehive.

  2. you look stunning. love the pearls. looking forward to seeing what you make this year.

  3. Hi Michelle, Great to see you! :o)
    Sounds like you have had an awesome time! Glad to see you made time for some crafting!
    Big hugs from the UK
    Alyson xx

  4. Well hello Michelle, lovely photo. Love all your work and have you on my blogs side bar. Nice to meet you. Karen.x

  5. Hey there nice to see more than your hand ha ha x love your YouTube 's and I've even made a paper dress :)
    Keep up the good work xx

  6. You are adorable! Received the ATC's in the mail today. You are adorable AND generous. xo P.S. I'm in Canada, not the US, which may be why it took so long :)

    1. Thanks Sue, so glad they finally arrived safe. xx Michelle

  7. So happy you shared your photo! I also used to have a fear of moving in front of the camera but then it gets to be so much fun! Your projects are inspiring and beautiful! So happy to have found your channel and blog!
